Submission Guidelines for Authors


The following are the guidelines that must be followed for the journal to accept an article for evaluation and subsequent judgement


General information about the journal


The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance (REMEF for its acronym in Spanish) is a scientific journal edited by the Research Foundation of the Mexican Institute of Financial Executives (IMEF for its acronym in Spanish). It is an open-access, full-text journal, published quarterly in digital and printed format, with punctual publication of its issues in the months of January, April, July, and September.




Its objective is to publish original and unpublished scientific contributions in Spanish and English. The journal accepts research articles and review articles for their publication, which undergo a rigorous process of evaluation through the double-blind peer review method with the participation of prestigious experts in research in the area of economy and finance, and who are external to the publisher of the journal and have no personal or academic links with authors of the scientific contribution that they evaluate.


Target readers


REMEF is aimed at academics, researchers, entrepreneurs, and managers of economic and financial policies, as well as the public interested in economic and financial issues.


Thematic scope


Its thematic scope covers mainly the areas of: trade agreements and treaties; investment management; risk management; macroeconomic analysis; microeconomic analysis; banking; banking and financial institutions; economic and financial cycles; economic and financial crises; sustainable development and natural resources; econometrics and theoretical or empirical research related to economy and finance; sustainable economy and finance; market efficiency and anomalies; behavioral finance; corporate finance; international finance; international capital flows; corporate governance; impact of energy markets; financial engineering; financial integration; accounting, financial and economic interrelationships; investments; commodities markets; markets; capital and debt markets and instruments; markets and derivatives; microfinance; fiscal policy; industrial policy; monetary policy; financial regulation; market regularities; market segmentation; insurance and pensions; interest rates; selected economic and financial issues; exchange rates; valuation and asset management.


Types of contributions accepted


The journal accepts original and unpublished scientific contributions, which should not be submitted simultaneously to another editorial system. Two types of contributions are accepted for publication:


Research articles: these are research results that are directly related to the thematic areas covered by the journal. They must comply with the following aspects: title, abstract, keywords, and terms according to thematic JEL Classification, must be written in Spanish and English. Their length should not exceed 25 pages, including the specifications in images, tables, formulas, and bibliographic references. This type of article is subject to editorial and academic review.


Review articles: present an updated theoretical research with the aim of grouping, contrasting, and proposing new scientific hypotheses from the domain and exhaustive handling of the current scientific literature on a problem in question. The author must be an expert in the topic in the field of knowledge on which they propose this type of article. It must comply with the following aspects: title, abstract, keywords, and terms according to thematic JEL Classification, must be written in Spanish and English. The conclusions must have a relevant theoretical methodological value. This type of article is subject to editorial and academic review.


Presentation and structure of contributions


The texts must be elaborated in Microsoft Word, using Times New Roman 12 points with single line spacing, upper and lower margins of 2.5 cm, and left and right margins of 3 cm, with numbered pages.


1. Formal Presentation Data


The correct wording of the formal presentation data that identify and describe the authorship is important, as well as the summarized content of the scientific contribution presented. These will be written on the first page of the contribution.


Names of the authors: will be written on the first page, if the author has ORCID, it must match the data submitted with the ORCID record (, as well as comply with the following aspects:

a)            State full name and last name without indicating teaching or academic category

b)            Full name of the institution to which the author is affiliated and respective country. In this case only write the first level or up to the second level of subordination. For example:

Correct:     University of XXXX, Mexico

Correct:     Faculty of Economy, University of XXXX, Mexico

Incorrect:   Accounting group, Faculty of Economy, University of XXXX, Mexico

c)            On the first page, the address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the correspondence author shall be written as a footnote

Title: the title must be a direct reflection of the research result obtained and, therefore, parables, hyperbole, metaphors, or words that do not express the action of the result, such as: “analysis on”; “study on”, should be avoided in its wording. It should be concise, clear, and direct with a maximum length of 10 words. It should be written in Spanish and English.

Classification codes: in addition to the keywords, the contribution must present 6 standards according to the JEL classification code guide (

Keywords: keywords or key phrases are labels that classify the research presented. It is important to avoid empty phrases or synonymy between them in their wording. They will not exceed 5 elements. They must be written in Spanish and English.

Abstract: the abstract is the reflection of all the content of the research with as few words as possible. It should be written in both Spanish and English. The maximum length is 180 words. If the abstract is poorly written or does not present the appropriate structure, it may cause editorial rejection. It should explicitly, clearly, and directly present the following aspects and the following order:

a)            General objective of the research

b)            Fundamental methods, methodology, processes or techniques that were used to obtain the most relevant result of the research

c)            Key results consistent with the methods and objectives set out in the research

d)            Recommendations

e)            Limitations and implications

f)             Originality

g)            Most important conclusions that enhance the scientific contribution and its impact in the field of knowledge


2. Scientific structure of the contribution


The organization of a scientific contribution is as follows:


Introduction: the introduction must present, in an updated manner, the problem addressed, which is the antecedent of the contribution. It should state the impact of the research, the reason why it is important, and the objective of the research. Authors are advised not to abuse bibliographic references, only those directly related to the research.

Methodology: this section represents the “how” and “why” of the research, allows the reproducibility of the research, hence the importance in its wording. Data, variables, and their respective treatment must be declared. Likewise, the processes, techniques, and programs (software) that were involved in obtaining the detailed results in the contribution should be stated.

Result and discussion: this section presents the results in coherence with the methodology section and contrasts the findings with related national and international research. Comparisons are also presented, and the significance of the results is discussed.

Conclusions, recommendations, and final considerations: the conclusions, in general terms, represent the fulfilment of the objectives set and their impact on the field of knowledge.

Acknowledgements: this section is not mandatory, it acknowledges the people or institutions that contributed indirectly to the research and indicates the project, institutions, or agencies that funded the research

Annexes: this section is not mandatory; it is used to present supplemental materials that supported the research presented. They must be numbered.

In the case of review articles, they should be organized using the following structure: a) introduction; b) development; and c) conclusions



Tables must have their title located in the header, be numbered in consecutive order with Arabic numerals, and be written in 10-point Times New Roman aligned to the left and without space. At the bottom of the table the source of the table must be indicated, according to the style of citations declared in the section of bibliographic citations of the guidelines for authors.

           Tables should be made with the Microsoft Word or Excel table editor, so that they can be properly coded

           If a table is very complex, it can be presented as an image, complying with the corresponding specifications

           The following are considered tables: tables, catalogues, listings, etc.



Their title will be indicated at the bottom of the image and they should be numbered in consecutive order with Arabic numerals. In addition, at the bottom of the image, the origin of the elaboration of the image should be indicated, according to the style of citations declared in the bibliographic citations section of the guidelines for authors. Graphs should include (as the case may be) scale and titles of the axes. The resolution for the acceptance of these is 300dpi in the formats: .jpg, .png. They must be legible and not “pixelated”.

The following are considered images: graphs, maps, outlines, diagrams, vector representations, etc.



Formulas must meet the following characteristics:

           Must be submitted using the equation editor of Word

           Will not be accepted as images or with errors or change in supra or sub-index

           Variables will be written in italics

           The format of the equation must be editable

           Decimals must be separated by a period; while thousands are separated by commas.


If considered applicable, the tables, graphs, and equations can be sent in an independent file, identifying in the text where they can be included; those that do not fulfill the requirements described previously will be reason for editorial rejection.


3. Sections and sub-sections


The content of the scientific contribution will be organized with the support of sections and sub-sections, which will be numbered consecutively and progressively up to a third level of subdivision, as follows:

2. Markets

2.1 Stock market

2.1.1 Equity market


4. In-text citations


In-text citations will be made according to the APA Manual, using the author-date method. In this sense, the following requirements must be met:

           When the quotation has up to 40 words, it is enclosed in quotation marks and is not italicized

           When quotations exceed 40 words, they are written in a separate paragraph, not in quotation marks or in italics

           When the author is directly quoted the algorithm would be: last name of the author (year); Rodriguez (2018) asserted on the theory of banking. In the case of two authors it would be written in the same way separating the last name of both authors by the conjunction “and”: Rodriguez and Capote (2018) established the importance of mercantile variability

If the source is stated in the body of the contribution, it shall be indicated as follows:

a)            From one to six authors:

           One author: last name, year: (Rodríguez, 2018)

           Two authors: last name 1 and last name 2, year: page number: (Rodríguez and Capote, 2018). This algorithm is valid until the case of five authors

           From six authors upwards: Last name of first author et al., year: page number; (Rodríguez et al., 2018, p.21)

b)            Citations of citations: mention the original citation on the one made, for example: Rodriguez (as cited in Garcia, 2018) understood that the flow of variable capital was a complex issue

In-text citations or referenced texts must coincide in an orderly manner with the bibliographical references listed at the end of the scientific contribution. Citations or referenced texts that do not have a bibliographic backing will not be accepted.


5. References


Bibliographic references will be made based on the APA Manual. The following are some examples



Last name(s), name initial(s) (year). Title in italics. City, Country: Publisher

Rodríguez García, S. (2018). La crisis de los años 30. Madrid, Spain: Alfagrama


Book chapter

Last name(s), initials of the first author; last name(s), initials of the second author (year). Title of the chapter. Initial(s) of the first author and last name(s). (Ed), Title of the book (pp. Xx-xx). City, Country: Publisher

Rodríguez García, S. and Villanueva Capote, A. (2018). Antecedentes de la crisis. S. Rodríguez García. (3rd edition), La crisis de los años 30 (pp.45-97), Madrid, Spain: Alfagrama


Scientific articles

Last name(s), initial(s) of first author; Last name(s), initial(s) of second author; Last name(s), initial(s) of third author (year). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume, pp-pp.

Rodríguez García, S., Villanueva Capote, A. and Capote García, E. (2018). La burbuja financiera. Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, 13 (4). 483-505


DOI articles

Last name(s), initial(s) of first author; Last name(s), initial(s) of second author; Last name(s), initial(s) of third author (year). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume (issue), pp-pp.doi:xx.xx

Rodríguez García, S., Villanueva Capote, A. and Capote García, E. (2018). La burbuja financiera. Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, 13 (4). 483-505. doi:|10.1353/ian.2006.0167


Online articles

Last name(s), initial(s) of first author; Last name(s), initial(s) of second author; Last name(s), initial(s) of third author (year). Title of the article. Name of the journal, volume (issue), pp-pp. Taken from:

Rodríguez García, S., Villanueva Capote, A. and Capote García, E. (2018). La burbuja financiera. Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, 13 (4), 483-505. Taken from:


Authorship, Copyrigth Transfer and Declaration of Originality


The authors must send the signed Letter of Authorship, Copyright Transfer and Declaration of Originality, where they declare the originality and unpublished nature of the work, authorship, copyright transfer, distribution of contents and funding recognition.


Inclusive Writing


The writing of the postulated contribution to the evaluation system of the journal must not contain insults, nor be discriminatory in relation to gender, culture, sexual orientation, religion, or race. The language used should be respectful and inclusive, in line with scientific writing, thus recognizing diversity and equal opportunity.


Changes in authorship


The correspondence author is responsible for postulating the contribution to the journal and for correctly providing all of the data of the author. In the event that any data related to the authorship of the postulated contribution needs to be modified, the correspondence author should request this from the journal editor before the review process has concluded. All authors must agree to the proposed change. In the case of removal or inclusion of an author, the author who will not participate in the contribution must agree to the final change of their exit from the contribution, which must be expressly mentioned and signed by them and by the rest of the authors.


Checklist for the preparation of submissions


It is important that authors verify the following aspects prior to the publication process:

a)            Accept the policies and guidelines set forth in the Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance

b)            Correctly present all contribution data

c)            Provide tables, graphs, and equations as required

d)            Send the Letter of Authorship, Copyright Transfer, and Declaration of Originality



Postal Address

Av. Insurgentes Sur #1431, Col. Insurgentes Mixcoac, Piso 10, Alcaldía Benito Juárez,03920, Mexico City.