About the Journal
Indexed in SCOPUS
ISSN: 2448-6795 (online) | DOI: 10.21919/remef
The Research Foundation of the Mexican Institute of Finance Executives, AC (IMEF) launched in July 2011 the second period of the Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance (REMEF), which in its Spanish version will be titled Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas. In this instance it numbered 6.1, to monitor the first five numbers that came out in the early days of the Journal.
It is a refereed Journal published every three months. Its objective is promoting top research on topics related to finance, economics and business activities. It encourages scientific communication and interchange of new ideas between scholars, as well as decision makers, from the economic and financial public and private sectors.
The Journal was originally published by Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey. During five years, research by Mexican and international scholars and practitioners became an important reference, which enriched academics and executives from the financial community.
In its new era, the Journal will receive, referee and publish, if that is the case, original articles from national and international authors, which innovate the theory and practice of economics and finance. The Journal encourages creativity and exchange of ideas between the academia, industry and government; this will aid strengthening economic, financial, social and institutional objectives, contributing to solve some national and international problems.
The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance has been indexed into: SCOPUS, CONACYT, SciELO Citation Index-Web of Science, SciELO México, Redalyc, EconLit, EconPapers, RePEc, Dialnet, Ulrich's, Latindex, CLASE, EBSCO, Crossref, DOAJ, Google Scholar and ISIDORE.
The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, REMEF has been accepted "in recognition of its quality and editorial excellence" by the Classification System of Scientific and Technological Journals' CONACYT.
REMEF is the first Journal of Research in Mexico promoted by the private sector to enter the standard of excellence Conacyt magazines. As recognized by the highest authority of Mexico in research, CONACYT has international recognition. It is an important contribution of the Research Foundation IMEF the country.
Start date: March 22nd, 2018