Editorial Policies


Approach and scope (objective, target audience, frequency, and topics)


The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance (REMEF for its acronym in Spanish) is a scientific journal edited by the Research Foundation of the Mexican Institute of Financial Executives (IMEF for its acronym in Spanish). It is an open-access, full-text journal, published quarterly in digital and printed format, with punctual publication of its issues in the months of January, April, July, and September.


Its objective is to publish original and unpublished scientific contributions in Spanish and English. The journal accepts research articles and review articles for their publication, which undergo a rigorous process of evaluation through the double-blind peer review method with the participation of prestigious experts in research in the area of economy and finance, and who are external to the publisher of the journal and have no personal or academic links with authors of the scientific contribution that they evaluate.


REMEF is aimed at academics, researchers, entrepreneurs, and managers of economic and financial policies, as well as the public interested in economic and financial issues. Its thematic scope covers mainly the areas of: trade agreements and treaties; investment management; risk management; macroeconomic analysis; microeconomic analysis; banking; banking and financial institutions; economic and financial cycles; economic and financial crises; sustainable development and natural resources; econometrics and theoretical or empirical research related to economy and finance; sustainable economy and finance; market efficiency and anomalies; behavioral finance; corporate finance; international finance; international capital flows; corporate governance; impact of energy markets; financial engineering; financial integration; accounting, financial, and economic interrelationships; investments; commodities markets; markets; capital and debt markets and instruments; markets and derivatives; microfinance; fiscal policy; industrial policy; monetary policy; financial regulation; market regularities; market segmentation; insurance and pensions; interest rates; selected economic and financial issues; exchange rates; valuation and asset management.


Section Policies


Research articles: are original and unpublished research results that follow a structure of scientific communication consistent with the author guidelines of REMEF. They are evaluated with the double-blind peer review method, which is in turn done by recognized experts in the disciplinary area of economy and finance.


Review articles: provide important discussions and theoretical contributions made by prestigious experts. They are evaluated and judged on the basis of the double-blind peer review method, carried out by renowned experts in the disciplinary area of economy and finance.


Editorial notes: carried out by the editorial team of REMEF with the aim of updating the community on topics of interest to be published in future issues or changes in the editorial policy of the journal.


Notes, comments and reflections: These are documents of the current situation or reflection on relevant topics of economic and financial matters. These documents will be submitted to the Editorial Committee for approval, are not subject to double-blind peer review and will not be indexed.


Review policy


The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance (REMEF) submits all works received to two evaluation processes: 1) editorial review and 2) academic and scientific review. The objective is to validate the works submitted by the authors with an editorial and academic judgement with the support of the Editorial Committee and of experts of recognized prestige in the disciplinary area of economy and finance.


Editorial Review

This is the first review process to which the scientific contributions received by the journal are submitted. This process evaluates:

a)         The relevance of the relationship of the contribution with the thematic scope of the journal

b)         The structure, extent, and organization of the contents of the contribution, according to the guidelines established by the journal

c)         The quality of the title, the keywords, and the abstract

d)         Relevance and reliability of bibliographical references in relation to the research presented, as well as level of self-citations of authors and referenced sources

e)         Complete metadata information of the authors or author of the contribution, including affiliation data

f)         Quality of tables and figures


This process on average does not exceed 10 days, during which the author must send relevant changes, as the case may be, within a period of no more than 7 days. As a result of this process, the following decisions are obtained:

a)         Accepted: it is accepted with no suggestions for change, moving immediately to the academic review process using the double-blind peer review method

b)         Accepted with modifications: modifications should be made according to the observations suggested

c)         Rejected: as it does not meet the criteria for editorial evaluation, the scientific contribution is immediately rejected


It is the responsibility of the author to confirm to REMEF the acceptance of the editorial decision, as well as stating their agreement to comply with the times established by the journal to submit the corrected work as appropriate. If the maximum time of seven days for the author to communicate with the journal is exceeded, the submitted work may be dismissed. This process is carried out by the Editorial Coordinator.


Academic Review

The academic review is based on the double-blind peer review process, in which the experts participating in the review process have no personal or academic links with the author or any author of the contribution accepted by them for evaluation.


At the end of the editorial review process, the scientific contribution is subjected to academic review, which aims to rigorously evaluate the scientific novelty and consistency of the presentation of the contribution according to the author guidelines made available by REMEF. For this journal, two experts who meet the academic parity and scientific production in the line of research directly related to the contribution being evaluated; in case of disagreement of academic judgement, the participation of a third academic pair will be requested. The following are among the most important aspects evaluated:

a)         Current command of the research problem

b)         Scientific contribution to the disciplinary area

c)         Handling of the literature: specialization and relevance

d)         Reproducibility of the research methods, methodologies, and techniques by which the results were obtained

e)         Clarity, consistency, and accuracy of wording

f)         Innovative scientific contribution

g)         Quality of the discussion of the results

h)         Theoretical or methodological value of the conclusions

NOTE: Observe consistency with the Arbitration Format


The average period for the academic review is three to six months. It is the responsibility of the correspondence author to confirm, within a maximum of three working days, that they have received the observations made as a result of the academic review process and that it is of interest to them to make the appropriate modifications. The correspondence author must send the corrected version of the contribution within a maximum period of 21 calendar days. In case of not meeting the delivery deadline the contribution can be rejected, which will be informed to the correspondence author.


Evaluation and selection of arbitrators


The arbitrators who form part of the academic and scientific evaluation community of REMEF meet the following requirements:

a)         They are active researchers with a proven scientific productivity in the topics in which the journal serves as a channel of scientific communication

b)         Prestigious experts with the highest academic category

c)         Have experience as a scientific research evaluator or tutor

d)         Comply with the ethical values that REMEF presents through its policies

e)         Has no conflict of interest as declared and accepted in REMEF policies


The expert reviewers will notify the journal through communication with the editorial coordinator of the acceptance for evaluation of the work in a maximum of three working days. If this deadline is not met, the submitted work may be transferred to another reviewer for evaluation, who must meet the same deadline.


Arbitrator Report


In order to optimize the time of its community of reviewers, REMEF provides its experts with a guide with the relevant aspects to be evaluated in accordance with the evaluation policy of the journal.


Special Issues


Special issues follow the same process of evaluation, revision and layout as an ordinary issue, with the difference that the role of editor is assumed by the guest editor.


Ethical aspects to be considered by the reviewers


Prior to the acceptance process for academic review, reviewers must meet the following ethical requirements:

a)         Conflicts of interest: not recognizing the writing style or presentation of results of any author of the contribution that is being evaluated, and not having academic or personal links with the academic, research, or business group or entity to which the author belongs

b)         Time availability: to have the time established by the journal in order to comply with the academic evaluation process

c)         Argumentative and scientific communication: the reviewer will not be able to use obscene, disloyal, ironic, or offensive wording when emitting their judgment, but will have to base their evaluation in critical, argumentative, and scientific judgment, maintaining a fair partiality

d)         Confidentiality: the reviewer will not be able to comment, communicate, or share with any person about any aspect of the contribution they are evaluating, the evaluation process is strictly confidential

e)         Self-citation: the reviewer should not suggest citation of their own scientific contributions to the author


If the reviewer has any conflict with any of these factors, they should contact the publisher as soon as possible.


Open-access policy


The contents that REMEF publishes are open access, which confirms the will of the journal for its articles to comply with the open access initiative


Self-archiving policy


Authors who publish the contributions published in the Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance (REMEF) as self-archive must meet the following requirements:

a)         Acknowledge that they have transferred the copyright of the work published to the Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance (REMEF).

b)         Redirect through a link to the original contribution published on the site of the Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance (REMEF) or DOI

c)         Disseminate the final contribution published in the Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance (REMEF)


Content Licensing


The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance (REMEF) declares that all its contents can be used from the Creative Commons license: BY - NC 4.0.

Licencia de Creative Commons
REMEF is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento-NoComercial 4.0 Internacional.

Which determines that all content can be read, shared without modification or profit, and where the intellectual property of the work is recognized.


Directories, Databases and Index


The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance is present in the following directories, databases, and index: CONACYT, SciELO Citation Index-Web of Science, SciELO México, Redalyc, EconLit, EconPapers, RePEc, Dialnet, Ulrich’s, Latindex, CLASE, EBSCO, BIBLAT, MIAR and Crossref.


The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance (REMEF) has been recognized for its quality and editorial excellence by the National Council of Science and Technology (Conacyt), obtaining the highest rating in the Index of Mexican Journals of Scientific and Technological Research: “International Competition”.


REMEF was the first Journal of Financial Research in Mexico recognized in the register of journals of CONACYT, the highest authority in research in Mexico. It is an important contribution of the IMEF Research Foundation to the country.


Ethical Principles and Statement on Negligence


The editorial team of the Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance (REMEF) states that it uses what is established by the COPE code of conduct as an ethical principle for journal editors: https://publicationethics.org/. In addition to making the responsibilities of the editorial team transparent, some of the most determining roles in decisions about the process of acceptance and rejection of a scientific contribution are described below.


Retraction Policies


The REMEF adheres to the Retraction guidelines of the Committee On Puplication Ethics (COPE) where the Editor’s should consider retracting a publication if:

• They have clear evidence that the findings are unreliable, either as a result of major error (eg, miscalculation or experimental error), or as a result of fabrication (eg, of data) or falsification (eg, image manipulation).

• It constitutes plagiarism.

• The findings have previously been published elsewhere without proper attribution to previous sources or disclosure to the editor, permission to republish, or justification (ie, cases of redundant publication).

• It contains material or data without authorisation for use.

• Copyright has been infringed or there is some other serious legal issue (eg, libel, privacy).

• It reports unethical research.

• It has been published solely on the basis of a compromised or manipulated peer review process.

• The author(s) failed to disclose a major competing interest (a.k.a. conflict of interest) that, in the view of the editor, would have unduly affected interpretations of the work or recommendations by editors and peer reviewers.

Source: https://publicationethics.org/retraction-guidelines


Post-publication Policies


REMEF allows cordial and ethical dialogue by email (remef-imef.org.mx) addressed to the editor.

After the acceptance of an article, the corresponding author will receive his document layout for review of style, text and figures, tables and images, the content already accepted can not be modified since it was already evaluated in the arbitration process. The authors are fully responsible and will have 2 days to send their comments, in case of not receiving them, it is considered that the article is ready to be published. We will do everything possible to get your article published quickly and accurately.

After publication, an article that has any editorial observation, content or any other indicated in the editorial policies, rules for authors and code of ethics can be reviewed. If sufficient evidence is shown, the editor may decide to correct or withdraw the publication with due attention to the publisher, the indexes, authors, editors, referees and/or readers.


Responsibilities of the editorial team and its scientific community


It is the responsibility of the REMEF editorial team to establish and communicate in a direct and transparent manner the policies and guidelines that determine the form of participation of the editorial team members as well as the authors. It is also the responsibility of the journal to enforce and report on the processes of reception, evaluation, acceptance, publication, dissemination, and reproduction to the public to which it is addressed, especially the author or authors interested in validating their new scientific contribution through this channel of scientific communication. In the same vein, the journal is committed to enforce the code of ethics consistent with what is established by COPE, as well as mediate and provide a solution in case of conflict of interest. The journal examines its policies and guidelines, when required, in order to be consistent with the current practices of scientific communication, as well as to provide necessary instruments and procedures to authors, reviewers, and the reading community for the fulfillment of the responsibilities according to the role to be played (author, reviewer, reader), and to avoid cases of conflicts of interest.


Responsibilities of the Editor-in-Chief and Co-Editor of the journal

           Establish standards, policies, and guidelines consistent with the practices of serial scientific communication relevant to the disciplinary area of economy and finance

           Be able to resolve conflicts of interest beyond the responsibility of the executive editor and associate editors

           Represent the interests of the journal as a scientific communication channel that has the responsibility of validating and making known a new contribution to the disciplinary area of economy and finance

           Convene academic and operational councils to the editorial team to update procedures, policies, and guidelines in order to build efficient and effective mechanisms to validate new contributions related to the disciplinary area of economy and finance

           Have the absolute power to decide in case of conflict of interests; as well as to accept or reject a scientific contribution, as long as it complies with the code of ethics established by the journal


Responsibilities of the Editorial Coordinator

           Responsible for enforcing the editorial and academic process of the scientific contribution received; regardless of whether the decision is its rejection

           Must establish the ties between the editorial reviewers and the scientific contribution received

           Must establish the ties between the academic reviewers and the contribution to be evaluated

           Must be able to act as a reviewer if necessary

           Must enforce the responsibility of the editorial board, as well as the realization (layout) and editorial management of the scientific contribution to be published definitively

           Must mediate between authors and reviewers

           Must enforce the code of ethics established by the journal to authors and reviewers

           Guarantee the anonymity and confidentiality of the data of authors and reviewers, as well as of the double-blind peer review process itself

           Ensure compliance with the periodicity and frequency of each issue of REMEF in a timely manner


Responsibilities of the authors of the journal

The authors in submitting a scientific contribution to the Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance state that:

           They have not submitted this contribution simultaneously to another scientific journal, nor in duplicate to the journal. In this sense, the partial modification or translation of the same text already published is recognized as a duplicate contribution

           They have not committed plagiarism or scientific fraud

           The findings presented in the postulated contribution to the journal are full responsibility of the author or authors

           There are no conflicts of interest related to classified information, unethical manipulation of methods, and false research results

           The authors follow the policies and guidelines for publishing a scientific contribution to the journal; just as they accept and comply with the timelines required by the journal

           The authors should not disclose communications received by the editor to members of the editorial team

           The authors represented in the contribution must have played a determining role in obtaining the scientific contribution presented to the journal

           In the case of modification in the name or location of authors of the contribution, the editorial team must be informed before concluding the academic review process and submit a letter with the approval of all authors responsible for the contribution submitted to the journal about this change

           The author must declare the sources of funding or projects from which the submitted contribution is derived (if applicable)

           It is the full responsibility of the author to declare any kind of incoherence or error in the content of the contribution, which they should inform and propose its correction as soon as possible to the editorial team


Responsibilities of the reviewers

           It is the duty of the reviewers to inform the assigned editor of detected plagiarism, fraud, or unethical conduct

           Be ethical, argumentative, and transparent about the reasons for modifying or rejecting a contribution

           Agree to and enforce the ethical conduct set forth in the revision policy of the Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance

           Not share or disseminate any information about the evaluation process or about the contents of the scientific contribution itself

           Maintain an impartial attitude as a scientific judge when issuing a scientific criterion, without imposing on authors a belief based on their own determination or scientific, religious, or other belief

           Do not use insults or ironic or offensive language

           Do not evaluate manuscripts with which they have conflicts of interest

           Comply with the deadlines set out in the policy of the journal


Collection policies

The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance REMEF states:

           It's an Open Access publication.

           Don't have Article Submission Charges.

           Don't have Article Processing Charges.


Privacy policy


The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance states that: the data that the author provides for correspondence on co-authors, institutional data, mail, as well as data on the contents of the scientific contribution itself are for exclusive use by the editorial team for the purpose of normalizing metadata, evaluating and publishing the scientific contribution; declaring through this way that: the journal will not share, disseminate, or use data provided by the author for other purposes or for the personal benefit of any of the members of the editorial team. This privacy policy also applies in the case of rejected contributions.


Disclaimer of liability


The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance states that it is not responsible for acts of plagiarism or scientific fraud committed by the authors of scientific contributions sent, rejected, accepted, and published in the journal. Similarly, REMEF is not responsible for the services offered by third parties from the electronic links available in the articles of the authors.


Anti-plagiarism policy


Authors of documents should avoid any form of plagiarism, conscious or unconscious, including self-plagiarism. If concepts, data, results, graphs, and other sources of information from other authors are used, they should be properly cited using the Harvard style. Plagiarists will be sanctioned in the same terms as described in the previous point. Furthermore, affected authors may proceed legally within the framework of copyright laws, available at: http://www.wipo.int/treaties/es/ip/berne/index.html, as well as at: http://www.indautor.gob.mx/normas.html.

Arbitrators, in turn, must immediately inform the journal when they identify plagiarism in any of its forms. REMEF uses anti-plagiarism tools in its Similarity Check powered by iThenticate review process.



Reproduction of Content Policy


The authors cede, through the signature of the Letter of Authorship, Copyright Transfer, and Declaration of Originality, the full rights of the contribution accepted to be published in the Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance with the following purposes:

           Increase scientific visibility through networks and research groups

           Support for academic training

           Self-archiving in institutional or academic repositories

           Diffuse in blogs and personal sites of the author

           Giving lectures


It is important that the author(s) comply with the provisions of the self-archiving policy, as well as with the type of license to use the contents of Creative Commons: BY - NC 4.0.


Online submission


Papers must be submitted via the OJS platform (it may be necessary to consult the OJS Author Guide) and only in special cases will they be received via email at: remef@imef.org.mx

Registration and login are required to submit contributions online and to check the status of recent submissions.

Manual for Submission of Papers


History of the journal


The first period of the journal was published in printed form by the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey in a period of five years (2002-2006) and was an obligatory national and international reference of the academic and business sector dedicated to the work related to the disciplinary area of economics and finance. This first stage of the journal can be consulted through the current website of REMEF.


Subsequently, in 2011, the journal began to be published bi-annually in printed and digital format as Nueva Época by the Research Foundation of the Mexican Institute of Financial Executives (IMEF).


At present, the journal continues to be published in both formats, it is open-access and has a quarterly publication frequency, maintaining uninterrupted and timely scientific production of new contributions of great theoretical and/or empirical value for the field of knowledge of its performance. As part of the international opening and with the aim of creating a national and international reference body, the editorial team of the journal is comprised of highly prolific academics and experts with a high scientific leadership; an example of this is to be able to have Nobel Prize laureates within its Editorial Committee.


The version in spanish has the name: Revista Mexicana de Economía y Finanzas REMEF (The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance).


Publishing system


This journal uses Open Journal Systems 3, which is an open-access journal manager and software developed, funded, and distributed free of charge by the Public Knowledge Project subject to the General Public License.