Inclusión financiera de los receptores de remesas en México


  • Martha Alicia Rios Obregón El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, México
  • Blanca Delia Vázquez Delgado



financial inclusion, remittances, international migrations


Financial inclusion of remittance recipients in Mexico

The objective of the article is to know the impact of the four financial dimensions on the probability of financial inclusion (IF) of remittance recipients. A Probit model helps to reflect this association, its marginal effects are estimated using the data available from the module on international remittances of the ENIF 2015 Survey. The results reflect the importance of the "use" of financial instruments for the FI of the recipients, much more than having high income; while financial access and knowledge has a varying effect. One recommendation derived from the analysis is that in the post-Covid horizon, progress can be accelerated to increase banking penetration of remittance recipients. The limitation for this type of analysis is the availability of data, since the latest version of the ENIF eliminated the section on international remittances; however, the originality of the study lies in analyzing the recipients and their proximity to the financial system. Receiving remittances does not necessarily imply participating in the system, recipients are conditioned to different degrees by financial use and access, and attention must be paid to this.


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How to Cite

Rios Obregón, M. A., & Vázquez Delgado, B. D. (2022). Inclusión financiera de los receptores de remesas en México. The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, 17(3), e712.



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