Competencia en el mercado de crédito entre los bancos dominantes en México


  • Lizethe Berenice Méndez-Heras Universidad Ecotec, Ecuador
  • Francisco Venegas-Martínez Instituto Politécnico Nacional, México
  • Diego Emilio Linthon-Delgado Universidad de Guayaquil, Ecuador



Banking Competition, credit market, Data Panel, Mexico


Competition in the credit market among dominant banks in Mexico 

Objective: This research measures the degree of competition of the banks that dominate the credit market in Mexico in 2004-2016. To do that, the non-structural approach of competition measures based on the theory of the New Empirical Industrial Organization (NEIO) is used. Methodology: A model of simultaneous equations with Generalized Least Squares in 2 Stages (GLS2E) is estimated in panel data to obtain the conjectural variation statistic, which measures the degree of coordination among the banks. Results: The empirical evidence obtained suggests that the dominant banks have a Cournot oligopolistic behavior in 2004-2016. Implications: Contrary to what was expected, the research also suggests that the increase in bank fees has had a positive effect on the demand for credit. Originality: As far as the authors know, a study on competition in the credit market among the dominant banks in Mexico based on the NEIO has not been carried out. Recommendations: Due to the above, the conclusions propose several recommendations on prudential regulation to promote greater competition. Conclusions: In the credit sector, banks in Mexico have high market power with high financial margins in a Cournot oligopoly.


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How to Cite

Méndez-Heras, L. B., Venegas-Martínez, F., & Linthon-Delgado, D. E. (2021). Competencia en el mercado de crédito entre los bancos dominantes en México. The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, 16, e699.

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