Transparency on Corporate Governance Reporting and board of directors’ strategies
Corporate Governance, Transparency, Agency Theory, Board Strategy, Latin America.Abstract
The objective of this paper is to investigate whether the transparency on corporate governance is determined by strategies followed by the board of directors. Based on agency and asymmetric information theories, we hypothesize that strategies pertaining to changes in liquidity, investment, capital structure, innovation and board composition impact on the corporate governance disclosure. The study sample is composed by 826 Latin American firms during the period 2004-2010. A two-way cluster standard errors and GMM methods have been adopted to perform the econometric analysis. Results suggest that corporate governance disclosure is attributable to changes on firm’s decisions made by the board with respect to financial aspects and innovation. However, the impact upon transparency of board composition with regards to female directors, independence and size of boards are attributable to industry and/or country effects.Downloads
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