Patentes, tamaño de empresa y financiamiento público en México: análisis regional con modelos de datos de conteo


  • Mauro Soto Rubio Universidad Autónoma de la Laguna
  • Vicente Germán-Soto Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila
  • Luis Gutiérrez Flores Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila



Regional Innovation, Public financing, R&D, Count data.


Patents, Firm Size, and Public Financing in Mexico: Regional Analysis from Count Data Models 

The aim is to analyze the influence of public financing on patent creation at the Mexican state level during 2009-2017. Patenting is one of the outcomes by the innovative activity that the government can stimulate by financing projects. Schumpeterian theory suggests a positive relationship in which large firms tend to innovate more because they have greater resources to invest in R&D, allowing economies of scale. Count data methodology finds positive effects, that differ by size of firm, from public financing and education on patenting, which show more consistency in large firms. To encourage innovation, it is recommended to design customized public programs by firm size alongside strategies that seek to improve educational achievements. Besides to methodological constraints, the results depend by the measurement of the innovation from patents, implying that the estimated evidence could be broader. This research contributes to the financing-innovation nexus because it uses disaggregate data by size of firm and type of financing. It is concluded that public financing encourages innovation.   



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Author Biographies

Mauro Soto Rubio, Universidad Autónoma de la Laguna

Profesor de la Universidad Autónoma de la Laguna, Doctor en Economía Regional.

Vicente Germán-Soto, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

Profesor e investigador de la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila. Doctor en Economía.

Luis Gutiérrez Flores, Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila

Profesor e investigador del Centro de Investigaciones Socioeconómicas, doctor en Economía.



How to Cite

Soto Rubio, M., Germán-Soto, V., & Gutiérrez Flores, L. (2022). Patentes, tamaño de empresa y financiamiento público en México: análisis regional con modelos de datos de conteo. The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, 18(1), e569.



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