Sectores económicos determinantes para el Estado de Durango. Una aplicación de la Matriz Insumo Producto Regional


  • Jorge Omar Razo De Anda Instituto Politécnico Nacional
  • Luis Lorenzo Romero Castro Facultad de Economía Contaduría y Administración, Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango
  • María Alejandra Herrera Pasillas Facultad de Economía Contaduría y Administración, Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango



Regional Matrix, Input Output, Optimization, Key sectors


Determining economic sectors for the State of Durango. An application of the Regional Input Output Matrix 

The main objective of this research is the generation of the Regional Product Input matrix and the identification of the determining sectors for the State of Durango. The foregoing is carried out using the indirect methodology of Flegg and Weber (1997) to determine the regional intersectoral relationships, from an adjustment on the cross location coefficients of the 2013 National Input Output Matrix (MIPN). This analysis shows as key sectors: 1) Generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, water and gas supply; 2) Financial and insurance services, 3) Information in the media, among others. In similar regional studies, the adjustment parameter is determined a priori, so a recommendation is to estimate the appropriate value for each region. The main limitation is the use of MIPN, which are published every 5 years, implying that the tool performs a static analysis, however, this can be solved through forecasts based on methodologies for updating the technical coefficients. To our knowledge, we are the first to carry out an analysis of the productive sectors of the state of Durango and implementing an optimization process on the adjustment parameter. The results of the classification match with the one made from the Economic Census and the State Gross Added Values of the sectors found in INEGI.


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How to Cite

Razo De Anda, J. O., Romero Castro, L. L., & Herrera Pasillas, M. A. (2021). Sectores económicos determinantes para el Estado de Durango. Una aplicación de la Matriz Insumo Producto Regional. The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, 17(1), e561.



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