The Relationship Between Share Prices and DUPONT Model Components: Evidence from Mexican Stock Market


  • Luis Manuel Tovar Rocha Universidad Anáhuac México Norte
  • Julio Téllez Pérez Universidad Anáhuac México Norte
  • Gabriel Alberto Agudelo Torres Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano Medellín



Valuation, financial analysis, multiples, financial ratios, volatility.


This article presents the possible association between the three components (profit generation, asset efficiency and financial leverage) of the DUPONT ratio and share prices. The generalized method of moments (GMM) estimation was used with a sample of 23 companies traded on the Mexican stock exchange between 2008 and 2016, considering a period of three days before and three days after the presentation of the quarterly results. It is noted that the generation of profit and efficiency are the components of the DUPONT model that are strongly associated with stock prices, while the leverage effect is the component with the least impact. This empirical work is intended to help understand the relationship between accounting information and stock prices. The study identifies variables that influence decision-making and does not seek to be a predictive model of the value of actions in the future. This research differs from previous studies because it considers the volatility index (VIMEX) as a control variable.


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Author Biographies

Luis Manuel Tovar Rocha, Universidad Anáhuac México Norte

Profesor Investigador Facultad de Economía y Negocios Universidad Anáhuac México Norte.

Julio Téllez Pérez, Universidad Anáhuac México Norte

Profesor Investigador Facultad de Economía y Negocios Universidad Anáuac México Norte, estudios sobre rentabilidad empresarial, inversiones

Gabriel Alberto Agudelo Torres, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano Medellín

Profesor Investigador Departamento de Finanzas Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano Medellín.


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How to Cite

Rocha, L. M. T., Téllez Pérez, J., & Agudelo Torres, G. A. (2021). The Relationship Between Share Prices and DUPONT Model Components: Evidence from Mexican Stock Market. The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, 17(1), e550.



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