Evaluación integral del ecosistema emprendedor de Costa Rica y propuestas para su mejora


  • Catalina Núñez-Álvarez Asesora Independiente en Virtualización Educativa, Costa Rica
  • Juan Carlos Leiva Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Costa Rica




Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Dynamic Entrepreneurship, Costa Rican Entrepreneurship


Integral Assessment of the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem of Costa Rica and Improvement Proposals

The purpose of this paper was to evaluate the Costa Rican entrepreneurial ecosystem at the 2018 second semester. The methodology employed a conjugation of five different models for assessing entrepreneurial ecosystems. Those five models contain sixty-six variables, which were harmonized by eight broad categories. The results indicate that the Costa Rican entrepreneurial ecosystem has in general terms a regular condition (2.03 on a scale of 1 to 5), highlighting some negative aspects such as financing and research and development, as well as other moderately positive such as infrastructure. The work has the limitation that the data available in each model are from different moments in time. The results have implications related to various opportunities for improvement for the Costa Rican entrepreneurial ecosystem in relation to the coordination of its actors and the generation of actions to strengthen the weakest components.


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How to Cite

Núñez-Álvarez, C., & Leiva, J. C. (2020). Evaluación integral del ecosistema emprendedor de Costa Rica y propuestas para su mejora. The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, 15, 523–536. https://doi.org/10.21919/remef.v15i0.544



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