Riesgo de mercado en Portafolios mexicanos previo a la crisis COVID-19: Portafolio de renta fija vs Portafolio de capital


  • Gabriel Alberto Agudelo Torres Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano ITM
  • Héctor Alonso Olivares Aguayo Universidad La Salle México https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2609-8627
  • Julio Téllez Pérez Universidad Anáhuac Norte




Portfolio Theory, COVID-19, returns.


Market risk in Mexican Portfolios prior to the COVID-19 crisis: Fixed Income Portfolio vs Equity Portfolio

The objective of the research is to show the advantages that investments in fixed income portfolios have over capital investments in the study period. A comparison of both Portfolios is made from January 2017 to May 2019, having as a metric the parametric VaR at 99.9% confidence for each Portfolio. The results show that the investor obtains a greater amount of profits ($ 9,778.14) in the fixed income Portfolio by investing $ 1,000,000 at 28 days, so prior to the COVID-19 crisis it is oberved that it was feasible to invest in this type of Portfolio. Gaussian returns are assumed as a limitation. The work is original because with real data from the Mexican market it is empirically shown that prior to the COVID-19 crisis period, fixed income portfolios was better in returns than capital portfolios. Finally, it is concluded that nowadays the above does not happen, due to the great fall that the reference rates have had in Mexico derived from the COVID-19 health crisis, even negative real rates are glimpsed soon.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Alberto Agudelo Torres, Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano ITM

Departamento de Finanzas, Profesor-Investigador de Tiempo Completo

Héctor Alonso Olivares Aguayo, Universidad La Salle México

Facultad de Negocios, Profesor-Investigador de Tiempo Completo

Julio Téllez Pérez, Universidad Anáhuac Norte

Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Profesor-Investigador de Tiempo Completo



How to Cite

Agudelo Torres, G. A., Olivares Aguayo, H. A., & Téllez Pérez, J. (2021). Riesgo de mercado en Portafolios mexicanos previo a la crisis COVID-19: Portafolio de renta fija vs Portafolio de capital. The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, 16(4), e520. https://doi.org/10.21919/remef.v16i4.520



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