Género y ahorro interno en América Latina


  • Luis Rene Caceres University of Utah




national savings, violence, labor market, gender inequality


(Gender and domestic savings in Latin America)

The objective of this paper is to quantify the repercussions from gender inequality on domestic savings and macroeconomic vulnerability in the Latin American countries. Econometric equations are estimated expressing the savings rate in terms of the index of gender discrimination and of several labor market variables. Results indicate that gender inequality exerts a negative impact on domestic savings and on economic vulnerability, and weakens institutions. It is recommended that Latin American countries undertake programs designed to reduce gender inequality.  The main limitation of this paper is the reduced number of data points in the sample. Its originality resides in that it is the first study that analyzes the role of gender inequality on domestic savings, macroeconomic vulnerability and institutional strength in the lstin American countries. Its main contribution is the evidence that gender inequality reduces domestic savings and increases economic vulnerability. The paper concludes pointing out the importance that the Latin American countries increase their programs designed to reduce gender inequality.


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How to Cite

Caceres, L. R. (2020). Género y ahorro interno en América Latina. The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, 15(3), 414–434. https://doi.org/10.21919/remef.v15i3.515



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