Análisis técnico y financiero del potencial energético del viento para generar energía eléctrica: el caso de Apan, Hidalgo


  • Tomás Gómez Rodríguez Universidad Autonóma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Adriana Cortazar Martínez Universidad Autonóma del Estdado de Hidalgo
  • Adriana Zambrano Reyes Universidad Autonóma del Estdado de Hidalgo



Alternative energy sources, energy forecasting, sustainability


(Technical and Financial Analysis of the Wind Energy Potential to Generate Electric Power: the Case of Apan, Hidalgo)

Objective: Evaluate the energy potential of wind in Apan, Hidalgo. Methodology: Two types of analysis were used: technical analysis and financial analysis. The Weibull probability density function is used for the technical study. Likewise, the following parameters are evaluated for the financial analysis: net present value, the internal rate of return, the Levelized Cost of Electricity, the recovery period and the cost / benefit ratio. Results: It was found that of the twelve wind turbines considered only eight are technically viable and none economically. Recommendations: It is recommended not to install commercial wind turbines. Limitations and implications: The main limitation of Weibull density function is that it does not correctly represent the probabilities of wind speed when it is very low or near zero. Originality: According to the literature review, this study is the first investigation in the case of Apan, Hidalgo, which analyzes the wind's energy potential and its financial feasibility. Conclusions: The evidence suggests that the potential of the wind is suitable for applications that are not connected to the electricity grid and insufficient for the production of energy on a commercial scale.


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Author Biographies

Tomás Gómez Rodríguez, Universidad Autonóma del Estado de Hidalgo

Escuela Superior de Apan

Profesor Investigador 

Adriana Cortazar Martínez, Universidad Autonóma del Estdado de Hidalgo

Escuela Superior de Apan

Profesor Investigador 

Adriana Zambrano Reyes, Universidad Autonóma del Estdado de Hidalgo

Escuela Superior de Apan

Profesor Investigador 



How to Cite

Gómez Rodríguez, T., Cortazar Martínez, A., & Zambrano Reyes, A. (2020). Análisis técnico y financiero del potencial energético del viento para generar energía eléctrica: el caso de Apan, Hidalgo. The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, 15(2), 263–276.



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