Los precios de café en la producción y las exportaciones a nivel mundial


  • Esther Figueroa-Hernández Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Francisco Pérez-Soto Universidad Autónoma Chapingo
  • Lucila Godínez-Montoya Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
  • Rebeca Alejandra Perez-Figueroa University of Bristol, U.K.




Worldwide coffee production, ICO coffee prices, Coffee exports, New York and London futures exchange, Principal components


(Coffee prices in production and exports worldwide)

To analyze the effect of prices of coffee groups classified by the International Coffee Organization (ICO), as well as the prices of the New York and London stock exchanges on the production and exports of coffee, two models were developed and estimated by principal component regression. Export and different prices were used as explanatory variables to verify the relation of world production. In the case of exports, production and prices were used. It was concluded that the quantity of coffee produced has an inverse relationship with the exports of the product and a direct relationship with the prices of Robusta and of the London futures exchange; while for exports, it was the future prices of the New York stock exchange, those of Brazilian natives, and that of others. This means that the international prices were those that influenced, to a greater extent, the variability of world production and coffee exports.


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How to Cite

Figueroa-Hernández, E., Pérez-Soto, F., Godínez-Montoya, L., & Perez-Figueroa, R. A. (2018). Los precios de café en la producción y las exportaciones a nivel mundial. The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, 14(1), 41–56. https://doi.org/10.21919/remef.v14i1.358



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