What makes Input-Output Tables of Trade of Raw Material Goods Peculiar Networks? The World and Mexican Cases


  • Katya Pérez-Guzmán International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
  • Isela-Elizabeth Téllez-León International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, Austria
  • Ali Kharrazi The University of Tokyo, Japan
  • Brian Fath Towson University, USA
  • Francisco Venegas-Martínez Instituto Politécnico Nacional http://orcid.org/0000-0003-1157-0298




Network analysis, network topology, graph theory, input-output tables, extractivism, raw material trade


Objective: This paper examines several peculiarities of Input-Output Tables (IOTs) of trade of raw material goods when treated as networks. Methodology: two IOTs of trade of raw material goods (World and Mexico) are compared with a network with a scale free distribution and hierarchical organization (an email database) by using distinct centralities and statistics from graph theory. Results: IOTs are a very particular type of graph due to their idiosyncrasies, for which standard graph measures cannot provide satisfactory results, and which have to be adapted to give a fragmented picture of the whole network. Recommendations: analytical tools of network theory applied to IOTs substantially improve the understanding of trade of raw material goods, both at the national and the global level, which is useful in the design of trade policy. Limitations: this research does not include random walk centrality and regime switching from external shocks. Originality: this is a novel research that enlightens the particularities of the IOTs, seen as networks, for the Mexican case. Conclusions: this investigation finds important particularities of IOTs when compared with other networks.


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How to Cite

Pérez-Guzmán, K., Téllez-León, I.-E., Kharrazi, A., Fath, B., & Venegas-Martínez, F. (2018). What makes Input-Output Tables of Trade of Raw Material Goods Peculiar Networks? The World and Mexican Cases. The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, 13(4), 483–505. https://doi.org/10.21919/remef.v13i4.334



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