Diagnóstico de la complejidad económica del estado de Hidalgo: de las capacidades a las oportunidades


  • Carla Carolina Pérez Hernández Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Blanca Cecilia Salazar Hernández Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Jessica Mendoza Moheno Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo




Economic complexity, Capacities and opportunities, Ubiquity, Diversity


Diagnosis of the economic complexity in the state of Hidalgo: From capabilities to opportunities

The objective of this work is to examine the opportunities for productive diversification and entrepreneurship that derive from the existing and potential capacities of the state of Hidalgo. To this end, an empirical study was developed using the Reflections Method (RM) and the assignment of weights, based on the variables of the Economic Complexity Theory proposed by Hidalgo & Hausmann (2009) and compiled from the Atlas of Economic Complexity (2018). From the algebraic operations, it is at first sight that the state of Hidalgo is currently located in the quadrant that reflects: “greater average diversification with greater average ubiquity”. Secondly, the balanced weighting strategy manages to generate a ranking of opportunities that may be useful to argue modifications in industrial policy and also to guide and validate productive projects of entrepreneurs, businessmen, and investors in the region. A limitation of the work is that it is based only on data from the formal industrial economy; its originality lies in the fact that there are no previous studies in the context analyzed.


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How to Cite

Pérez Hernández, C. C., Salazar Hernández, B. C., & Moheno, J. M. (2019). Diagnóstico de la complejidad económica del estado de Hidalgo: de las capacidades a las oportunidades. The Mexican Journal of Economics and Finance, 14(2), 261–277. https://doi.org/10.21919/remef.v14i2.299



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